GermFIG 3A_D Distal–proximal polarity of germ-line cell nuclei morphologies as they progress from mitosis through the various stages of meiotic prophase I

GermFIG 3A-D: Distalñproximal polarity of germ-line cell nuclei morphologies as they progress from mitosis through the various stages of meiotic prophase I.

A–D. Epifluorescent images of DAPI-stained adult hermaphrodite (dissected) gonads. (Image source: J. Maciejowski and E.J. Hubbard.) A. Germ line of one gonad arm (a montage of three individual gonad arms; dashed lines correspond to regions not covered by individual gonad images). Indicated are stages of meiotic prophase I (orange text) and the relative positions of somatic tissues (color lines). (PCD) Programmed cell death. Magnification, 400x.
B–D. Mitosis and meiotic prophase I. B. Distalmost region of the gonad from a lag-2::GFP adult transgenic animal. The lag-2::GFP reporter (green) is expressed in the DTC. DAPI-stained germ-line nuclei (blue) close to the DTC are mitotic, whereas those more proximal are entering into meiosis and define the transition zone. This zone characteristically contains crescent-shaped nuclei (arrowheads).
C&D. DAPI staining only. Magnification, 1000x.

See also GermFIG 3E.

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