DNeuroFIG 4: Radial extension of AWC and the amphid sheath at the dauer nose tip.

DNeuroFIG 4: Radial extension of AWC and the amphid sheath at the dauer nose tip.

A & B. Illustrations show the location of AWC wing-like nerve endings at the nose tip in non-dauer and dauer animals. Boxes indicate the position of cross-sectional illustrations shown in C & D.
C. Cross-section illustrating the positions of the AWC nerve endings enclosed in the amphid sheath (Amsh) at the nose tip of a non-dauer animal. The AWC nerve endings extend through a 100° arc in L2 larvae (Albert and Riddle, 1983).
D. In dauers, the AWC nerve endings are enlarged, extending through a 240° arc. The two amphid sheath cells fuse at the nose tip in dauers.
C & D
were adapted with permission from Procko et al., 2011.

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