APhaFIG 3 Debris and intact bacteria in procorpus lumens of 15-day-old adults

APhaFIG 3: Debris and intact bacteria in procorpus lumens of 15-day-old adults.

Abnormal substances in the pharyngeal lumen are more prevalent in older adults. Images from procorpus region of young adult (B) or 15-day old adults (C&D).
Black line indicates approximate position of the images in B, C&D within the procorpus region.
In the procorpus of a young adult, the compressed pharyngeal lumen has channels at each of the vertices (Ch). White arrow indicates the cell bridge between syncytial pm muscle cells.
In the 15-day old adults, the channels are preserved but the pharyngeal lumen is widened and contains unusual contents, such as debris (C) or intact bacterial cells (D). (Image sources: B, N2T [N. Thomson] 250; C, N813 [D. Hall] G538); D, N832 [D. Hall] T281.) Ch, pharyngeal channels; pm, pharyngeal muscle; mc, marginal cell; g1, g1 gland cell process. Bars, 1 micron.

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